Below is a list of some of the European vehicles that we proudly service at Heads Up Automotive for Spartanburg and surrounding areas:
[items_list additembutton=”” additemwindow=”” top_margin=”page-margin-top”][item url=”” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]Audi[/item][item url=”” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]BMW[/item][item url=”” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]Land Rover[/item][item url=”#” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]MINI[/item][item url=”#” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]Maserati[/item][item url=”” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]Mercedes-Benz[/item][item url=”#” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]Porsche[/item][item url=”#” url_target=”same_window” icon=”bullet” text_color=””]Volkswagen[/item][/items_list]
Please remember that at Heads Up Automotive our servicing and maintenance is not limited to just the above list, we are able to offer servicing, maintenance and repairs to most major European and Luxury vehicle brands.
So stop by or give us a call today to discuss your vehicles needs.